general questions:
>How works the compass in RHEM?
>Problems with QuickTime - part 1 - animations
>Problems with QuickTime - part 2 - sound
>What is a "Page Fault" - error?
>Error "Handler not found in object play Skriptfehler" on Mac
>Crash on Windows.
questions regarding the original RHEM 1:
>How to access the menu in Rhem 1?
>How to save, load or quit a game in Rhem 1?
>Crash of Rhem 1 in the LaceMamba Trilogy.
questions regarding RHEM I SE:
>Problems installing Mac version.
questions regarding Rhem Trilogy:
>Crash of Rhem 1 in the LaceMamba Trilogy.
>Error message "die projektordatei ist beschaedigt..."
questions regarding RHEM 4:
>Problems with screen resolutions on multiple monitors.
questions regarding RHEM 4 and RHEM IV SE:
>The three handed clock north of Meneandes area will not start.